(a)               Onsite Services  of Community Physician


A qualified physician would be available for part of the day for general consultation and normal scheduled checkups on regular basis. The Physician will be located in the Senior Citizen Club. It is obligatory for all Occupants to provide details of their blood group, allergies, antibiotic tolerance and any other information the Community Physician may require.


(b)               Onsite Services of Registered Nurse


Professionally qualified registered nurses would be available round the clock on shifts for meeting with basic nursing and emergency needs. The nurses would be located in the Senior Citizen Club.


(c)                24 Hours Emergency Facility


Arrangement will be made for a doctor on call in case of emergencies. An ambulance would also be made available for handling medical emergencies at additional cost. It is obligatory for the Occupants to notify in writing  their preferences of the hospital they would prefer to be taken to in case of an emergency and any alternatives in the absence of the preferred hospital, failing which they will be treated at the nearest facility.


(d)               Physiotherapy and Fitness Services


A professionally qualified physiotherapist would be available as per schedule to assist the occupant with their physiotherapy and fitness needs. Basic consultation shall be offered free of cost; however, any prescribed therapy shall be chargeable.


(e)               Emergency Alarm System


An emergency alarm response system would be installed at strategic points in the Unit/Complex, which would be monitored at the central control station by the Service Provider for any kind of emergency. Use of such alarm system shall be strictly for medical emergencies only.


(f)                 Yoga and Meditation


A part time instructor would be available on periodic basis to encourage Occupant to practice wellbeing activities.

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